Do you like, when you have somebody by your side to cheer you up? Are you aware of somebody always watching you closely? Are you sure you can take care of yourself when you are all alone, I mean, all alone, moreover, somewhere whenever it is really dark, you can’t see a thing? Do you want someone by your side at this moment?

Why does the near person, the one you thought should take the most care of you, turns away, and no help you can view from that individual? Or why you do not know that person at all, and you just talk, you know you are friends, or just met, why then you help each other. (Sometimes). Why don’t you turn away like your relative does? I can tell that this situation is too often to view, as many people if even they can’t admit it, love each other, and can be their guiding light. It’s so good. Be happy if you know that would happen to you, be pleased and respect the one that can take care of you. And love that person with all your heart; take care of him/her as well.

However, sometimes, the one who is not even related to you, not a lover, or a boyfriend, just a friend, just this innocent word of a “friend”, why sometimes it is so powerful? Why this person can do something, some closest can’t? Are those sent from above? What are those, named friends? They can be the angels, who descended down to make your life pass better. They may be someone you are supposed to obtain, and tell your most secret things and deeds to. They are the keepers of your life. Or maybe… maybe friends are just those whom you meet on the street or disco and have parties with, and get drunk with? You do drugs with your friends? They aren’t the ones you are to call friends; friends are the ones, which would stop you from doing smth. like that. Consider that for future.

Why do you like to talk to someone? Pardon,… do you ever talk to somebody? I hope you do. You have to; it’s like breathing with air. And even when you say you do not need one, you are lost, ‘cause if you are all on your own, you’re not sure in others, are you sure in yourself, then? And you have to be. You should believe yourself, and in people, otherwise, if nobody did, there would have been no living soul on Earth already. People would have killed each other in anger of injustice or impatience. Or untruth, or unfaithfulness. It does happen, find the time it doesn’t.

Sometimes the person you love doesn’t have the same feelings for you. Once, a wise thing said: ”I am happy when I see my beloved happy, even if he isn’t with me”. I am. It’s very true.

… true, honest, just, pure, and lovely… “So, get yourself a friend and a home.”

Find out who’s a “friend” for you.