mne vot och interestno kak eto v marshrutkax "vityanut shnur, vidavit stoklo"...esli kto-to znat, rasskajite - eto kak chto derjit shnur, pochemu steklo potom legche vidavit, i razbivaetsya li ono potom, ili prosto vipadaet zelim ?
totemo omoshirokute..
pod morem -rasskaz 16ti letnej...
vspomnim molodost...
читать дальше She looked at the full moon. It was worth seeing. Beautiful as usual it contrasted with the stars, reflected in the deep gray-blue sea. The wind peddled her hair, as the window was opened, and trying to reach into the room, where it could dance gently with the smallest pieces of dust, hiding under the table. Her face was serious with bright shine in the green eyes. They were wide, probably because of her facial exprеssion, which she enjoyed to change at several occasions. But it just became her trademark, and even when she didn't want it her face would change from time to time by itself, unwillingly expressing her feelings and setting her up. Sarah was sitting on the ledge of the window. She's been thinking a lot. It was her favorite past time. Most of all she enjoyed being alone. She explained that being alone is the best thing you can do, because you don't hurt people and they won't hurt you. "People" wasn't her favorite type of species, as they ruined life whenever it was given to them. She looked up at the curves of Capricorn and for some reason it reminded her of a unicorn. I don't know how it happened. Sometimes it just does. Therefore it reminded her of her skills, which consisted in painting. She silently took a piece of paper but no pencil touched the surface. Instead she made a little airplane, put a LEGO doll inside and let it down. It was caught by the wind and smoothly went in the darkness of the ice-cold sea. The girl looked down and the smile lightly touched her face. She took another paper sheet and began to write, very fast, the letter. When she took hands off the paper, the moon shone on the particular words, like trying to point out or indicate some kind of a message. Sarah quickly closed her notebook and switched on the CD for the fourth time, as it was running so quickly. The time flew unnoticeably, as it even wasn't there, as it wasn't present and just wanted to show her, that even if she can't see it, it still goes on, it is still there and it isn't planning on leaving her alone. She tried to get away from time once and it didn't help, it was worse, it taught her to obey the time and listen to it, as well as do the things at the right moment. Two years ago she gained some friends. They were not the best friends you'd ever wish for, but the point was that they existed. They appeared suddenly and their relationships developed rather quickly. They were together all throughout the year, but then it was time to leave. She blamed the fate in playing the evil joke with her. She wasn't planning on losing them, though she knew perfectly she would have to let them go, with her heart, of course. She couldn't force them to stay, and the rules would demand them in the places they were getting ready to leave to, anyways. But her soul wasn't ready, not yet. She begged God to let them stay for some more time, for a little bit more. But it wouldn't happen. They taught her how to open her heart, how to listen to it and do the right thing. And it was only because there was somebody to listen to her. Sarah never before had to open her heart, to tell her secret or thoughts to anybody but God. She shared it only with him and He was her only listener. Moreover when she tried to explain some ideas to her parents they would either shake their heads in the protest sign of uncomprehending or thinking that she got her crazy ideas from the movies, restrict her choice even more, though it had been already pretty poor. She even didn't know that she was suffering of misunderstanding and lack of communicating skills with people. Sarah noticed that only when she began to talk to people and for some odd reason she would begin to blush even saying "Hello". She didn't find an explanation for this phenomenon, therefore she aimed not to emphasize on it by talking to people very rarely. She usually was locked in her world, sitting near her locker and trying to deal with immature cousin, which apparently wasn't willing to listen to her, as well. Sarah claimed she was from Pluto, half an alien, half a ware wolf. It was all a joke, she wasn't insane, no mental decease affected her brain, she was just trying to live by her own standards, to take life the way it is, though she knew it didn't help in every situation. She had the strongest belief in God and that he would help her out in everything. But she never thought about God, helping her out, making new friends. She had a decision to make, whether she would want to adapt to have friends, and try to rely on them, and listen and express herself to somebody except God or not to adapt to have friends, to have those required communication skills, as those two were still going away, and she didn't have a slightest prove she'd ever see them again. As she said, there was no point in adapting to having friends, as they will still disappear. But she never thought of it as God helping her out once again, the help was in the skill of gaining friends, and talking to somebody except him. He isn't selfish, He doesn't want all attention, He just cares about us every day, trying to make our life better and easier. But she had to help him out, as it wouldn't appear as a snap. She had to survive through the difficulties with the other people on the team in the activities she did, leading herself into a new experience of knowing one person better than everybody else and actually spending more time with her. She also had to suffer and go through the absolutely different pattern, getting to know the other person as best as she could, which wasn't always awarded with the grand prize and applauds. But she never wished she hadn't gone that way. She never even thought about those people ruining her life or leading her to the edge of her best behavior. Instead, turning from the top to the bottom some of the thoughts, ideals, and opinions awarded her. She never thought of herself being so helpful to the others. By changing their life completely. Never even dreamt... She would be too lucky if it had happened, and guess what? ... It did. By the time they had to leave she still wasn't quite ready to say "good-bye". She still didn't know how much she'd done for some people, and how much it was appreciated. And that was God. He helped those other people out by sending her. She was a messenger… very quiet one. She would never even suspect that turning of view in the things she had done. "They were just friends, come on, don't put such a deep thought in it." No, you should. Everything was done for a reason. For it was His sign for her future. She had to take the reigns in her hands and lead people for the better life. She hasn't thought that deep yet and it was very hard to watch her friends go away. Then she wished she could stop the time. She cursed it, as it ran that quickly. She didn't want to follow it rules, but it would be the same as disobeying the laws of gravity. Wait, the laws of gravity were broken in space, therefore the rules of time could be broken somewhere as well. She didn't get that spiritual science ruled over the natural one. She wished the time would freeze. Sitting near the window wouldn't be fun for many people, but it helped her. It helped her think. She still wished that moment to come back and still wanted to battle with the laws of time. But they wouldn't be changed. As the message of God couldn't be altered also.

totemo omoshirokute..
pod morem -rasskaz 16ti letnej...
vspomnim molodost...
читать дальше She looked at the full moon. It was worth seeing. Beautiful as usual it contrasted with the stars, reflected in the deep gray-blue sea. The wind peddled her hair, as the window was opened, and trying to reach into the room, where it could dance gently with the smallest pieces of dust, hiding under the table. Her face was serious with bright shine in the green eyes. They were wide, probably because of her facial exprеssion, which she enjoyed to change at several occasions. But it just became her trademark, and even when she didn't want it her face would change from time to time by itself, unwillingly expressing her feelings and setting her up. Sarah was sitting on the ledge of the window. She's been thinking a lot. It was her favorite past time. Most of all she enjoyed being alone. She explained that being alone is the best thing you can do, because you don't hurt people and they won't hurt you. "People" wasn't her favorite type of species, as they ruined life whenever it was given to them. She looked up at the curves of Capricorn and for some reason it reminded her of a unicorn. I don't know how it happened. Sometimes it just does. Therefore it reminded her of her skills, which consisted in painting. She silently took a piece of paper but no pencil touched the surface. Instead she made a little airplane, put a LEGO doll inside and let it down. It was caught by the wind and smoothly went in the darkness of the ice-cold sea. The girl looked down and the smile lightly touched her face. She took another paper sheet and began to write, very fast, the letter. When she took hands off the paper, the moon shone on the particular words, like trying to point out or indicate some kind of a message. Sarah quickly closed her notebook and switched on the CD for the fourth time, as it was running so quickly. The time flew unnoticeably, as it even wasn't there, as it wasn't present and just wanted to show her, that even if she can't see it, it still goes on, it is still there and it isn't planning on leaving her alone. She tried to get away from time once and it didn't help, it was worse, it taught her to obey the time and listen to it, as well as do the things at the right moment. Two years ago she gained some friends. They were not the best friends you'd ever wish for, but the point was that they existed. They appeared suddenly and their relationships developed rather quickly. They were together all throughout the year, but then it was time to leave. She blamed the fate in playing the evil joke with her. She wasn't planning on losing them, though she knew perfectly she would have to let them go, with her heart, of course. She couldn't force them to stay, and the rules would demand them in the places they were getting ready to leave to, anyways. But her soul wasn't ready, not yet. She begged God to let them stay for some more time, for a little bit more. But it wouldn't happen. They taught her how to open her heart, how to listen to it and do the right thing. And it was only because there was somebody to listen to her. Sarah never before had to open her heart, to tell her secret or thoughts to anybody but God. She shared it only with him and He was her only listener. Moreover when she tried to explain some ideas to her parents they would either shake their heads in the protest sign of uncomprehending or thinking that she got her crazy ideas from the movies, restrict her choice even more, though it had been already pretty poor. She even didn't know that she was suffering of misunderstanding and lack of communicating skills with people. Sarah noticed that only when she began to talk to people and for some odd reason she would begin to blush even saying "Hello". She didn't find an explanation for this phenomenon, therefore she aimed not to emphasize on it by talking to people very rarely. She usually was locked in her world, sitting near her locker and trying to deal with immature cousin, which apparently wasn't willing to listen to her, as well. Sarah claimed she was from Pluto, half an alien, half a ware wolf. It was all a joke, she wasn't insane, no mental decease affected her brain, she was just trying to live by her own standards, to take life the way it is, though she knew it didn't help in every situation. She had the strongest belief in God and that he would help her out in everything. But she never thought about God, helping her out, making new friends. She had a decision to make, whether she would want to adapt to have friends, and try to rely on them, and listen and express herself to somebody except God or not to adapt to have friends, to have those required communication skills, as those two were still going away, and she didn't have a slightest prove she'd ever see them again. As she said, there was no point in adapting to having friends, as they will still disappear. But she never thought of it as God helping her out once again, the help was in the skill of gaining friends, and talking to somebody except him. He isn't selfish, He doesn't want all attention, He just cares about us every day, trying to make our life better and easier. But she had to help him out, as it wouldn't appear as a snap. She had to survive through the difficulties with the other people on the team in the activities she did, leading herself into a new experience of knowing one person better than everybody else and actually spending more time with her. She also had to suffer and go through the absolutely different pattern, getting to know the other person as best as she could, which wasn't always awarded with the grand prize and applauds. But she never wished she hadn't gone that way. She never even thought about those people ruining her life or leading her to the edge of her best behavior. Instead, turning from the top to the bottom some of the thoughts, ideals, and opinions awarded her. She never thought of herself being so helpful to the others. By changing their life completely. Never even dreamt... She would be too lucky if it had happened, and guess what? ... It did. By the time they had to leave she still wasn't quite ready to say "good-bye". She still didn't know how much she'd done for some people, and how much it was appreciated. And that was God. He helped those other people out by sending her. She was a messenger… very quiet one. She would never even suspect that turning of view in the things she had done. "They were just friends, come on, don't put such a deep thought in it." No, you should. Everything was done for a reason. For it was His sign for her future. She had to take the reigns in her hands and lead people for the better life. She hasn't thought that deep yet and it was very hard to watch her friends go away. Then she wished she could stop the time. She cursed it, as it ran that quickly. She didn't want to follow it rules, but it would be the same as disobeying the laws of gravity. Wait, the laws of gravity were broken in space, therefore the rules of time could be broken somewhere as well. She didn't get that spiritual science ruled over the natural one. She wished the time would freeze. Sitting near the window wouldn't be fun for many people, but it helped her. It helped her think. She still wished that moment to come back and still wanted to battle with the laws of time. But they wouldn't be changed. As the message of God couldn't be altered also.

Пьер Бурдье
ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ: Элементы теории политического поля
(Бурдье П. Социология политики: Пер. с фр. Е.Д. Вознесенская/Сост., общ. ред. и предисл. Н.А.Шматко./ — М.: Socio-Logos, 1993. — С. 179-230.
FU. ne ponravilos... politika. toshnit... ya vskore ...ladno... no na zavtra s etim ya ne budu gotova... ne mogu floppy disk najti
tak sho nado xotya bi svou temu uznat, aga