She watched him leave in the brightest colors you could ever imagine. The descending sun almost touched the horizontal line, when they hugged. It was one of her longest hugs in her life. Moreover, she didn’t feel that she was hugging specie of man, just now, he was just a person, one of those you do not really look at as a hot guy or a cute girl. He is just a friend, a wonderful friend.
She looked at the sky. The sun was half down, and the tears were streaming down both faces. One tried to hide them, as a real man; the other one was quiet, yet, there could be a river made, that would never ever stop flowing.
It disappeared… and they took their hands off. One look was enough, but that was a darn long look, like that long-lasting mascara, you know, that lasts, and lasts, and lasts…
He turned and walked off, it was impossible to stand all evening long and stare at each other, when you were supposed to be on a plane at a certain time. The sun wasn’t in the sky anymore, however pink, violet, bourbon, and velvet were reflected in the sad gray eyes.
They walked different paths. He – into the car, she – to the bench. Each one was thinking about the same. There was only one thing on both minds. As there was the same one on everyone else’s. They didn’t want to part the hands, with which so strongly was made the circle. The prayer was strength, invisible thread gathered them. Nothing could cut it. Even in thousand years. Yet, that moment, no one wanted to lose touch contact. It had to last much longer.
* * *
She hugged her at the airport. There was no sunset, there was no circle of hands, there were some, but those some could compensate a thousand. She didn’t want to let her go as well. Yet, as moment went after moment, she was made to. They looked into each other’s faces; hardly distinguished “good-bye” had slipped from their lips. Oh, how they hated that word now, how the wished not to have to say it. But the life was not kind to them every day. They had to make hard ways and passes, just like in the game. Except this wasn’t a game. They had to make a pass… It was one of the hardest ones.
She watched the other one go. She was tempted to drop the bags, shout “stop” and … what? What next, what could she do after? Absolutely nothing, nothing at all. So there was no option. Whatever way they’d choose, the life would get what it wants from them.
She silently watched. That friend didn’t want to move, she made one step at a time, and she would trip over the people’s feet, as her head was turned the other way. She didn’t see in front of her, she watched someone behind. That look! You’d give a million for it. So much said in it.
She watched her disappear, and the face…was dry. She felt so much inside, that there was nothing left for outside.
They left, she was alone. “See you in heaven” - were the last words they exchanged. And as much as they kept all their promises, they were going to shoot for that one, as well.
Some things are to forget; otherwise they shall poison your life. The others – are not to forget, for the same darn reason. Life is a complicated thing, and you have to cope with it. And shoot for the main.
For that you live. For that you die. What can be altered?
You like to think, don’t you? Otherwise, there would be no valuable things or deeds produced by you. I like to think, as well. Especially under different circumstances. I mean: under the stars, or the blue sky, or the stormy lightening. It’s especially exciting to think near the sea, or the ocean. And it doesn’t matter under which: calm or windy, it brings the same amount of joy or sometimes - deep thoughts. They do not come very often, but when they do, it’s very important not to let them go in the depth of the brain, as well as in the cold freezing water.
What do you like to think about? Have you ever wondered if there is life on other planets? Have you ever thought why we were, and still are the only species living under the oxygen cover and breathing, in the contrary to other magnificent planets, where no one ever “alive” was found yet.
Why were we the only creatures created by Him that were allowed to live in this strange galaxy of ours? Have you ever thought why? Have you ever thought of connecting it with any subject? I am sure you did. Did you manage to answer all of those queries? Why not? Why should you anyways? You are just a little pebble in this world and you think, you are supposed to be able to answer all of those questions? No, the world is not being run that way. You can’t know all the answers; you shall never do until you go to heaven. Unless you are going in some place darker and low elevated than that. Don’t you know the answer even for this simplest query? Think, think really well. Therefore, just patience and tolerance are the good teammates in this strange case of yours. You have them? Wonderful! You do not - better find very quickly. You never know when you need it; you might need to use it here very soon. Yes, right here, reading this paper, just patience and tolerance shall make it with you to the end.
Think, what our life would be without some things, some really small things, that make this world a little better place to live in. Just little various details, as sunset, or stars, or waterfall, or just a very peaceful forest. The place where you can rest, and give your thoughts to something worth brooding. Where would you find it? Do you like to enjoy nature? Maybe you just live, taking it for granted? Beep! Wrong answer. You shouldn’t. Nothing can be taken for granted. If there weren’t the creator, we would be living in the place without grass, water, birds or spring. If we would be living at all. Well, what is your opinion? Do you think, you should be just living, as the day goes by day? Maybe you need to think again. Because, the day does really goes by day, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do. Just do, what you think the best. Just live every day and think of it as the last day. You wake up in the morning, and you really do not know, if you shall survive the next one. You do not know, if you are not going to be on the street in the next couple of hours, blood shining and rainbow-blazed to the core of your heart, or maybe the evil bullet from the horrible accident shall strike your daughter. Think, how you can enjoy every day. Please, just do. Maybe, there is something very smart you can think of. Just think…
Do you like, when you have somebody by your side to cheer you up? Are you aware of somebody always watching you closely? Are you sure you can take care of yourself when you are all alone, I mean, all alone, moreover, somewhere whenever it is really dark, you can’t see a thing? Do you want someone by your side at this moment?
Why does the near person, the one you thought should take the most care of you, turns away, and no help you can view from that individual? Or why you do not know that person at all, and you just talk, you know you are friends, or just met, why then you help each other. (Sometimes). Why don’t you turn away like your relative does? I can tell that this situation is too often to view, as many people if even they can’t admit it, love each other, and can be their guiding light. It’s so good. Be happy if you know that would happen to you, be pleased and respect the one that can take care of you. And love that person with all your heart; take care of him/her as well.
However, sometimes, the one who is not even related to you, not a lover, or a boyfriend, just a friend, just this innocent word of a “friend”, why sometimes it is so powerful? Why this person can do something, some closest can’t? Are those sent from above? What are those, named friends? They can be the angels, who descended down to make your life pass better. They may be someone you are supposed to obtain, and tell your most secret things and deeds to. They are the keepers of your life. Or maybe… maybe friends are just those whom you meet on the street or disco and have parties with, and get drunk with? You do drugs with your friends? They aren’t the ones you are to call friends; friends are the ones, which would stop you from doing smth. like that. Consider that for future.
Why do you like to talk to someone? Pardon,… do you ever talk to somebody? I hope you do. You have to; it’s like breathing with air. And even when you say you do not need one, you are lost, ‘cause if you are all on your own, you’re not sure in others, are you sure in yourself, then? And you have to be. You should believe yourself, and in people, otherwise, if nobody did, there would have been no living soul on Earth already. People would have killed each other in anger of injustice or impatience. Or untruth, or unfaithfulness. It does happen, find the time it doesn’t.
Sometimes the person you love doesn’t have the same feelings for you. Once, a wise thing said: ”I am happy when I see my beloved happy, even if he isn’t with me”. I am. It’s very true.
… true, honest, just, pure, and lovely… “So, get yourself a friend and a home.”
Vchera... obshalas s yaponkoi... i na japanese, i na english, i na french, blago ona eshe russkogo ne znaet, no vse ved v perspective... tak klassno... i ne bilo etix privichnix nam barierov obsheniya s novim cheloveko, na novom yazike.... tak legko i prosto kak budto znala ee uje god, ili dva. i na rodnom kak budto yazike govorila, a ne na strannom-inostrannom. KANESHNA, eto vse ogranichivalos banalnimi frazami, kak v putevoditele, bud HECK ! i did that myself, not looking up the words or phrases. and not only did she understand me, but i ya ponimala to chto ona mne otvechala na tom je nebezizvestnom japanese. sugoi desu yo ! Spasibo AISEC i Solnishku moemu !
Ваша кипучая энергия не дает вам покоя. Вы способны хвататься за десятки дел одновременно. Увлечения сменяют друг друга со скоростью света. Сегодня вы разводите африканских тараканов, а завтра - учите японский язык. Вы обожаете активный отдых: лениво валяться на пляже - не для вас.
Наверняка у вас далеко не одна татуировка. Причем, вы не останавливаетесь на достигнутом результате и всегда готовы что-нибудь добить или переделать. Ваши татуировки привлекают всеобщее внимание - они необычны и действуют как магнит. По вашей спине вполне может спускаться сноубордист, а на запястье - плясать шаман с бубном: вы не загоняете себя в какие-то ни было рамки.
a pravda.... obichno takim testam ne veru...a japanese uje 2 goda uchu... i snowbord